Prof. Argirios Pissiotis,
Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky,
Dr Piotr Stendera,
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In complete denture prostheses the anterior teeth determine the esthetic and phonetic rehabilitation of the edentulous patient whereas the posterior teeth determine the functional performance of the complete dentures.
It has been from a long time established, that the functional requirement of the complete denture prostheses is a bilaterally balanced occlusion. Although research has not demonstrated that this is true, bilateral balanced occlusion is still considered the gold standard. Over the years other more simplified occlusal schemes have been introduced along with the design of posterior teeth that can be used to accommodate them.
Nowadays the clinician has a variety of occlusal schemes that can be prescribed in order to provide functional complete dentures for the edentulous patient. These occlusal schemes will be presented and guidelines for their selection will be outlined.
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