Program kongresu

09:00 - 10:15
Sala Prób Orkiestry
Oral Presentation - Sesja 3

 MRI evaluation from operators with different levels of expertise - Filippo SornigNicolò Giuseppe Sorrenti, Luca Guarda Nardini, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Manfredini, Matteo Val
 Comparison of mandibular condyle structure changes in patients with different prosthetic restorations by fractal analysis - Emine Dilara ColpakDeniz Yılmaz, Aykağan Çukurluoğlu
 What patients with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) are telling us: a pilot study - Aurora Manfredini, Alessandro Bracci, Charles Greene, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Manfredini Czytaj więcej >>

11:15 - 12:45
Sala Prób Orkiestry
Oral Presentation - Sesja 4

 Relationship between morphology of stomatognathic system and its function in the group of young adults - Marcel CzajkowskiJoanna Kuć, Teresa Sierpińska
 Impact of non-surgical periodontal therapy on non-functional masticatory muscle activities: a case-control study -  Tommaso Gotti, Isabella De Rubertis, Nicola Discepoli, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Manfredini Czytaj więcej >>

14:15 - 15:45
Sala Prób Orkiestry
Oral Presentation - Sesja 5

 Assessment of the accuracy of fabricating immediate postoperative obturator plates using 3D printing technology - Anna Cybulska, Anna Mydlak, Marcin Szerszeń, Karol Dominiak, Jakub Zwoliński, Dariusz Rolski
 Trueness of CAD-CAM fabricated frameworks and crown restorations - Mustafa Barış PomayDoğu Ömür Dede 
 Stress Distribution Analysis Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses with Different Fabrication Orientations 3D Printed  Monolithic Zirconia: FEA - Ayyüce Nur TezcanReza Mohammadi, Mehmet Gökberkkaan Demirel, Mehmet Esad Güven Czytaj więcej >>
