Wykłady Kongresu (19-21.09):
Opera i Filharmonia Podlaska, Białystok, ul. Odeska 1

Welcome Reception (19.09):
Pałac Branickich, Białystok, ul. Kilińskiego 1

Polish Night (20.09):
Pięć Dębów, Supraśl, ul. Rymarka 7

Warsztaty przedkongresowe (18.09):
Hampton by Hilton Hotel, Białystok, ul. Szymborskiej 2

Program kongresu

14:45 - 16:00
Sala Prób Orkiestry
Oral Presentation - Sesja 1

 Complication rates of endodontically treated teeth with fixed dental prostheses: Long-term clinical evaluation - Ali Alenezi, Hanin Alsalhi, Sarah Aloqayli
 Can inadequate prosthetic restoration and post be associated with apical periodontitis? A retrospective study - Krystyna Pietrzycka, Mateusz Radwański, Jukka P. Matinlinna, Monika Łukomska-Szymańska
 Assessing the Reliability of AI-Generated Information on Dental Veneers: A Comparative Study - Rime Chraibi, Soukaina Abidi, Layla Assila, Hicham Soualhi Czytaj więcej >>

16:15 - 17:30
Sala Prób Orkiestry
Oral Presentation - Sesja 2

 Deviations caused by tightening torque on Polyetheretherketone scan body of bone versus tissue level implant - Ameer Biadsee, Reema Yusef, Zeev Ormianer
 Optimizing all-on-4 full-arch restorations: Can monolithic zirconia prosthesis enhance  implant biomechanics? An FEA study - Mary Delia Bondoc, Mi-El Kim, Zhiyan Jin, Ho-Beom Kwon
 Robotic assisted implant surgery - systematic review in context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Zunera Ahmed, Mojtaba Dorri, Mojtaba Mehrabanian  Czytaj więcej >>
