20.09.2024, piątek, godz. 09:00- 10:15
Sala Prób Orkiestry

Oral Presentation - Sesja 3

Przewodniczący sesji:
Dr hab. Aleksandra Nitecka-Buchta,
Prof. Korkmaz Sayinsu,

Język: english

Koszt: w ramach opłaty rejestracyjnej

 MRI evaluation from operators with different levels of expertise
   Filippo SornigNicolò Giuseppe Sorrenti, Luca Guarda Nardini, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Manfredini, Matteo Val

 Comparison of mandibular condyle structure changes in patients with different prosthetic restorations by fractal analysis
   Emine Dilara ColpakDeniz Yılmaz, Aykağan Çukurluoğlu

 What patients with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) are telling us: a pilot study
   Aurora Manfredini, Alessandro Bracci, Charles Greene, Marco Ferrari, Daniele Manfredini

 Awake bruxism behaviors frequency in a group of healthy young adults with different psychological scores
   Ovidiu Ionut Saracutu, Daniele Manfredini, Alessandro Bracci, Edoardo Ferrari Cagidiaco, Marco Ferrari, Anna Colonna

 Digital occlusion scan to analyze the effect of occlusal adjustment with persistent pain after endodontics
   Hans Van PeltMariëlle Peuchen



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