21.09.2024, sobota, godz. 09:00- 09:45
Mała scena

Unraveling the complexity: Exploring the intersection of occlusion and temporomandibular disorders

Prof. Korkmaz Sayinsu,

Przewodniczący sesji:
Prof. Małgorzata Pihut,

Język: english
Tłumaczenie symultaniczne na: polski
Koszt: w ramach opłaty rejestracyjnej

The relationship between occlusion and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been a topic of debate among dental professionals for many years. Some researchers and clinicians argue that there is a direct relationship between occlusal factors and TMD, suggesting that correcting occlusal problems can alleviate TMD symptoms.

On the other hand, there is also evidence to suggest that the relationship between occlusion and TMD is more complex and multifactorial. While occlusal factors may play a role in some cases of TMD, other factors such as psychological stress, muscle dysfunction, joint pathology, and systemic health issues can also contribute to the development of TMD symptoms.

Overall, the current understanding is that while occlusion may be a contributing factor in some cases of TMD, it is unlikely to be the sole cause. Instead, TMD is often thought to result from a combination of factors, and treatment approaches should consider a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's occlusion, jaw function, and overall health to provide effective management strategies.

My lecture would emphasize the importance of a interdisciplinary approach to TMD management, highlighting the role of orthodontists in collaborating with other dental and healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients with TMD by presenting case reports.


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