20.09.2024, piątek, godz. 11:15- 12:00
Mała scena

Zero to minimal-invasive treatment: The Prettau® Skin® technique

Dr. med. dent. Stefano Pieralli,

Przewodniczący sesji:
Prof. Hana Hubalkova,
Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Hędzelek,

Język: english
Tłumaczenie symultaniczne na: polski
Koszt: w ramach opłaty rejestracyjnej

From a dental point of view, a restoration can be aesthetically pleasing and very well-finished. However, whether it fulfils its true function and purpose and achieves the desired aesthetics, is solely verified in the one place it’s used – the patient’s mouth. 
Non-prep veneers are the newest solution when it comes to minimally invasive dental surgery. Using a new technique, it is now possible to realise ultra-thin zirconia veneers (Prettau® Skin®) with a thickness of 0.2 mm only. In this way, patients can get a healthy smile with zero to minimal impairment of the tooth substance.
In his lecture, the speaker will use real case studies to show the complete workflow for a non- or minimally invasive treatment method with ultra-thin veneers and demonstrate for which initial situations a treatment with Prettau® Skin® zirconia veneers is most suitable.


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