21.09.2024, sobota, godz. 11:45- 12:30
Scena główna

Rehabilitation Approach to Angle Class II Dental Relationships - An Innovative Analytical Perspective

Dr. Ilan Gilboa,

Przewodniczący sesji:
Prof. Norbert Enkling,
Prof. Aneta Wieczorek,

Język: english
Tłumaczenie symultaniczne na: polski
Koszt: w ramach opłaty rejestracyjnej

The Angle Class I dental relationship is considered normal occlusion and serves as a treatment goal in prosthodontics, orthodontic treatment, and implant dentistry. In this occlusal alignment, there is a fit between the tooth shape and the arch position of the teeth in relation to jaw movement, resulting in good function and an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the face and smile.

In cases of non-standard jaw relationships such as Class II Division 1, Class II Division 2, or Class III, the teeth are positioned differently from the norm. Each of these three situations presents unique spatial restrictions and complicates the rehabilitation treatment. Angle Class II Division 1, with an enlarged overjet, presents a horizontal shift of the teeth. Angle Class II Division 2, with a deep overbite, presents a vertical deficiency. The Class III situation presents a reversed arch alignment. Each of these three situations requires a different occlusal scheme, and the quality and quantity of contact between opposing teeth are reduced or altered.

To rehabilitate such unconventional cases, it is necessary to alter the morphology of the teeth, modify the dental contacts in centric occlusion and during movements, or even change the position of the jaws.

The lecture will present cases and demonstrate diagnostic and management approaches for various non-standard occlusal conditions.

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